Evangelistic Movie called " THE HOPE" (IN CREOLE)
Please help me get it in the hands of people who can get the word out....
Our church was given the opportunity to produce, in conjunction with Mars Hill Productions, a full-length movie called "The Hope" in Creole. The movie goes through the Bible; it starts with creation all the way through the life of Jesus Christ. We began production in June 2009. The movie was completed early this year and is now being distributed for viewing in Haiti and in Haitian speaking churches in the US.
We were blessed to have a mission team take the movie to Haiti this past April and show it outside on a large screen. The Haitian people were very receptive and although there was so much devastation from the recent earthquake, they saw that there is a God who created the universe and who cares for them.
Now with the recent devastation from the hurricane and now the outbreak of cholera it is evident more than ever that they need HOPE in and through Jesus Christ.
We are trying to get as many copies out to missionaries and Haitian speaking churches to use for evangelism. We want get the word out that this movie is available. I feel in my heart that this movie should be in the hospitals, church’s, and on the radio. If you have any ideas of who I can contact to get this movie in the hospitals and on the air waves please let me know.
Please contact me if you'd like more information. We have DVD’s of the movie available.
Link to The Hope in Creole & English: http://www.thehopecreole.com/
Link to the Making of the Hope: http://www.youtube.com/user/CalvaryChapelMLB#p/u/5/B3otnVbfhcQ
Link to The Hope in Creole & English: http://www.thehopecreole.com/
Link to the Making of the Hope: http://www.youtube.com/user/CalvaryChapelMLB#p/u/5/B3otnVbfhcQ
Website of pictures from April trip to Haiti: http://timeofjoyproductions.smugmug.com/Christina-Jessup-Photographer/Haiti-2010
Check out pgs.10-11 in this magazine – This explains from the beginning some information on the film.

Christina Jessup
Sr. Director of Production
Calvary Chapel Melbourne
ReplyDeletePictures of our April Trip